Sunday, November 08, 2015

Making a Tree of Birds Applique

First I drew a bird then traced the pattern onto baking parchment. I abandoned the idea of doing the separate wing feathers in the end as realised I was making it too complicated.
Then I cut out all the birds in different coloured felt. Felt doesn't fray so it's good for applique. Theoretically the applique stitch should bind in the edges of any material but as this was my first attempt I went for the easy option.

 And then sewed each bird together using the applique stitch on my machine. You could do that bit by hand if you could be trusted to be neat. (I can't.) I made the eyes big as they appeal to the grandchildren more than the more natural beady eyes.
Then I sewed each bird onto the heavy cotton backing fabric.

Then I added bits of brown felt for branches and lots of green leaves. I did a straight stitch through the middle of each leaf then zig-zagged round the edges. Plain zig- zag uses less thread than the applique stitch-ie you need to re-thread your bobbin less often! But it also gives a different look to contrast with birds. The leaves took a while and there is a lot of turning the whole piece around as you sew. I think I'll probably sew this onto another piece of fabric, do a plain border and make it into a wall-hanging.

Making an Applique Peacock

Step 1: Discovered the applique stitch on my sewing machine. Joy! All you do is twiddle a knob and put your foot down and you get rows of tight stitches binding the edges of the fabric.

Step 2: Drew a peacock on ordinary paper then traced it onto baking parchment and cut out the sections.

Step 3: Pinned the pattern to felt and cut out. I numbered the tail pieces to make putting it together again easier. You think you're going to be able to see how it all fits but v easy to make mistakes!
Step 4
I cut out and pinned 'eyes' for the tail feathers. They were a bit fiddly so I hand-stitched the bright blue circles to the dark blue triangles. It's quite hard to sew round in small circles on the machine.

Step 5: I sewed the main body on first. Not sure how you stop the backing material from puckering. I tried to keep it all flat but it still creases a bit.

Step 6: Then I sewed the 'eyes' onto the tail. That was pretty fiddly. He looked a bit bare when I had finished due to the cream backing fabric (should have used a pale blue), so I added some clouds.
Not sure what to do with him now. I might make him into a cushion for one of the girlies although not sure how well the felt will wash. Guess we could always have him dry cleaned from time to time.