Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Bridge at Gorgopotamos

This is the railway bridge in Gorgopotamos, which neighbours our village of Moskohori*. It has historic importance. In 1942, Greek partisans and British soldiers (including Major Christopher Woodhouse) worked together in what, by all accounts, was a complicated, dangerous and 'Boy's Own' type of mission to blow up the bridge and thus prevent the transportation of enemy supplies. The partisans were in two groups, both of them led by very colourful and controversial characters: Aris Velouchiotis led the Greek Liberation Army and Napoleon Zervas headed the National Republican Greek League. The fact that Velouchiotis and Zervas were seldom in agreement didn't help matters. As you can see from these library pics, it must have been tricky to know who was who! 
Here is Aris Velouchiotis. 

And this is Napoleon Zervas.

Christopher 'Monty' Woodhouse grew a beard to fit in. 

The fighters were aided and sheltered by the villagers of Gorgopotamos as they planned and planted explosives. Legend has it that Granny Tembelis (from a local family who still own a taverna in the village) almost scuppered the whole operation by calling out to a shepherd lad 'Don't take the goats to graze there-they're going to blow up the bridge tonight'. 
Apart from the bridge, Gorgopotamos is famous for its rushing river and the ice cold springs. 

* I always spell the name of our village Moskohori. If it was properly transliterated, it would be Moschochori [ΜΟΣΧΟΧΩΡΙ] but that always looks such a mouthful and you have to keep explaining that it's 'ch as in loch'. So I go for the more pronouncable approximation. 


Unknown said...

I used to love the train ride from Athens to Lamia when it crossed the Gorgopotamos. The train slowed right down and you wondered whether it was going to hold and then imagined the guys climbing up through the hills in the middle of the night. Very evocative place.

Jeanne Perrett said...

Yes-I love that bit too. Happily it is still like that but eventually there will be a new line which will bypass the mountains. Work on that is held up due to Economic Crisis!